Thursday, November 19, 2009

and she is huge


modeling a new outfit

directing an orchestra

a day at the spa (well, her little whale bathtub anyway)

So Amaris has gained 3lbs and grown 2 inches since her 1 week check in. She likes to eat, what can I say? She's doing really well...has her days, but for the most part, is a good little baby. From the start she was going 3 hours between feedings at night, and now she's doing anywhere from 4-6 first, and then 3-4 hours from there on out. So we're feeling more rested these days, though she's WIDE AWAKE nearly all day, and ends up quite fussy at some point because she's overstimulated and often boycotts naps. She looks like she's taking in everything she can, which shouldn't be too much at this point, but she's determined to watch soccer games, ice skating and skiing on tv whether she can see it completely or not. She loves meeting new people-forget napping when new people are around...she just wants to sit there and listen to everything they have to say. She has smiled at Jonathan several times, and smiled when she heard Nani's (my mom) voice on the phone, but for me? NOoooo...just associates me with milk right now apparently. Which is a nice association, we all love food, but I hope to be a human instead of a cow to her one day soon and receive some gracious smiles. Sure would make it easier to hack the frowning days.

Anyhow, her nap (YES, she napped, a rare gem of an event during the day) is about to end and I will be called upon for food, so that's all for now.