Thursday, August 13, 2009

maybe there is something wrong with me...

This was not me. Just wasn't. It was more like wow, this is going to change things, but never scared (take note this also wasnt jocelyn, she had a few choice words).
As great philosopher's of my childhood, DC Talk, once said, "Now we come to the pay off."

DC talk by the way looked like this back in the day...
Now, as in about 10 years ago, they looked like this...
Sorry, getting back on track. "Now we can come to the payoff." As in now, we are coming to the end, or beginning, depends how you look at it. So I was not scared when I first heard about the baby. And now, as we go into this final month, well a little over a month, heck this blog will serve me until we get into the final month and I'll feel compelled to write again, but as I said as we go into the final month, I feel less worried than ever.

Actually, I don't feel worried at all. It seems normal or as some may say natural. I feel as though something is wrong with me. Am I suppose to feel disconnected, afraid, and scared of the responsibility. Well I don't. So ha. Well not even ha...Just, this is going to be great. In a truly awesome way. We did by the way go to the hospital the other day for our "tour":

They showed us a powerpoint and we learned a few things then got the see the various rooms we will go into. I must say, it is EXACTLY what I always imagined. Maybe I remember being born or something, (I do have better photographic memory than jocelyn who couldnt remember where the bike shop was you sweetie or as some may say schaweetie!), but truly the delivery room, hospital area all "looked" how I thought it would look. No surprises there, just more excitement for me and then boredom as we went from one room to another. There will be no boredom once it begins!

Boy or girl, it is going to amazing. I guess I cannot believe that there are dads out there who would not want to see their child be born. The odd thing is, I think that is my greatest concern, the delivery, not so much for me or queasiness, but rather for Jocelyn and all the pushing she has to do. I must say that is probably my greatest "worry" or something along those lines. And breastfeeding as well. Also, as a husband I get quite confused as to why some dad's see the breasts as less sexy because there is a baby nibbling on them. I think it is a pretty simple distinction between when breasts are suppose to be sexy and utility. I'd like to think of a witty analogy but I have been writing for way to long. But as Yoda would say, "search your feelings" and you will know it to be true.
Furthermore, as a dad I am just excited to be around the baby and learn more about life. With each new experience, comes well, new experience. The baby's room is ready, so bring on the baby!

O, o, o WE HAD AN AMAZING BABY SHOWER! IT WAS AWESOME, thanks again everyone! you guys rock! It was quite funny, Jocelyn walking in going, 'huh' (even though I didnt see it) and me going "what?!? I knew it but not at all" Again thanks much!

In other news, our cats are enjoying the new house and I do believe that they wish they could go outside and one day may even try, but let's hope not, but in the mean time, they are doing this:
More in reference to the squirrels and birds outside that taunt them. Also, just for fun:
Continuing on, I hope Jocelyn gets this...
Actually, I don't at all, it looks unsafe and looks like it is hurting the kids neck for crying out loud!

Lastly, are baby will be beautiful and amazing and a gift from God, and well, more than I ever could have imagined. But just as I can recognize my wife's beauty, I also know that the baby will probably look like an alien (yes it will mom), but at least we will be able to laugh at it:

Lastly, my wife is awesome. What a champ she has been, and how fortunate we have been to not have any complications!